Some Basic Important Knots

I want to share some basic knots that I usually do. These are probably the most used knots that I know.

Overhand Knot
The easiest knot to do. It can be used as a stopper.


Eight Knot
Another stopper knot.

Square Knot
Everybody knows this knot. Dont confuse this as the granny knot

I don't really use this one but this can be used for rescue purposes as this does not come apart easily and wont slip.

Used to tie two ropes together (big or small). Somehow it wont slip.

Clove Hitch
Everybody should know this kind of hitch since it has so many uses like start & finishing lashes.

Two Half Hitches
For tying on almost anything like poles etc.

Taut-line Hitch
This knot is adjustable and mainly used for tent guy lines and clothesline.

Timber Hitch
I use this in tying my hammock on the trees. It is very easy to do and easy to undo.

 Other Knots I Use:

Constrictor Knot

Eight Knot on a Bight

Beer Knot


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